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    Free Play



  • Avery Elementary

  • 2107 Avery Rd E, Bellevue, NE 68005

  • May 28th-May 31st

  • June 24th - 28th

  • July 22nd - 26th

  • Age: 9-16

  • 11:30am - 1:00pm




Free Play is kid driven unstructured play.  While this sounds idle and simple, it's not.  JOY LABS is creating a unique environment by bringing back the lost language of unstructured play as the best learning environment.


Stop in, try your skills, all you have to do is fill out a waiver.


Always no cost. Bring a friend! Play soccer in a monitored, safe environment. Different balls! Music! Games may be played on grass, street courts, futsal etc. Bring indoor shoes.  No cleats in the gym. Come ready to have fun!


Make sure to read the rules.



Kids not in the JOY LABS program need a signed waiver. 

Free Play Rules

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First Rule

The first rule about Free Play: Is you don't talk about Free Play.

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Fourth  Rule

The fourth rule is: Best sportsmanship wins.

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Second Rule

The second rule is: If you do it to get better, it doesn't work. (It must be for fun only)

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Fifth  rule

The fifth rule is: Games go on as long as they need to.

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Third Rule

The third rule is:  Everyone is invited. Everyone plays.

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Sixth  Rule

The sixth rule is: Repeat Rules 1-5.

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