It's healthy, it allows you to enjoy the game for life, studies have shown that kids without a foundation of free play hours kids are more likely to suffer burn out. Building the hours of Joy, kids with lots of pick up time were better able to cope with the sometimes more difficult practice required later.
It's safe, because kids set the level and standards of the game, the movements are more wide ranging building movement and skill literacy. A more balanced physical development takes place with less chance of repetitive stress. The problem is not too much soccer, it's too much pressurized soccer.
The players at Free Play will experiment with the ball more, make more mistakes, learn, have more fun, and attain the appropriate skill level.
It's fun! At JOY LABS we provide age appropriate challenges and then let the kids play.
It's free. As always open to players of all ages and levels.
The best players from around the world have inspired us through skills learned on their neighborhood courts. Like pond hockey, street basketball, street futsal, and street baseball (Vitilla), in where true skill and creativity are born in that unstructured time.