Powered by Joy (PBJ)

The Powered by Joy (PBJ) Model is rooted in developmental science and best-practice delivery methods. It incorporates innovative training techniques, small-sided games, the Power of Play, low-anxiety environments, futsal, differential learning, and a constraints-led approach. Blending these elements with ample variable play and guided by Andrei Gotsmanov, the PBJ Model creates optimal and developmentally appropriate learning environments.
The Powered By Joy Model is building interest from around the world as a new, healthy, and refreshing delivery of sport.
Our Theories
Self-determination theory​
Dr. Marianne Torbert - Expansion, Equalization, Interactive challenge
Mosston's slanty-line theory
Flow State theory - Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Wolfgang Shullhorn - Differential learning theory - overload and underload theory
Constraints-Led approach & Non-linear Pedagogy theory
Implicit vs. Explicit learning theory
System 1 and System 2 thinking theory
Self-organized theory - "learn how to learn"
Stephen Krashen's Acquisition-Learning theory
Person. The Person comes first, sportsmanship, character.
Player. Next come the player and all the amazing things they can do with the ball.
Team. Playing well with others. Social skills.
Competition (games) are important.
Practice (training) is more important than games.
Play (pick-up) is more important than practice.
Longterm (Joy) approach is the most important
Age appropriate activities
Technique is more important than physical (speed, strength). Everything is done with a ball
One step at a time: 1 v 0, 1 v 1, 2 v 1, 2 v 2, 3 v 3,
Creating fun learning training ENVIRONMENTS
Small sided, futsal
Differential learning
Constraints-led approach
Ball on the ground
Best pass is a dribble into space
The best sportsmanship. The best in fair play. The least fouls.
The first in enjoyment.
Redefine winning as best effort, skill mastery and love of the game.